fitness talk

Everyone wants that his body should always be fit and strong, but due to the changing lifestyles and bad food nowadays, every person is troubled by some disease, nowadays the body is unable to get enough nutrients from food. It is not able to develop properly and there is a problem of weakness in the body, many people also eat medicines to overcome the weakness of the body, but tell you that medicines There is a risk of side effects due to this, today we will tell you an easy home recipe to remove the weakness of the body and to make the body strong, so let us know on an empty stomach in the morning eat these two things with water to make the body strong and Will be healthy.
Image result for jaggery
To make the body strong and powerful, you should consume jaggery and cardamom in a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning.You will get tremendous benefit by doing so jaggery strengthens the digestive system, it digests food properly and the nutrients of food in the body. While the cardamom works to reduce the stress of the body.

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