fitness talk

IS THE RAIN playing spoilsport by interrupting your gym routine?  With the weather being unpredictable, stepping outdoors to get a good workout or a run might be practically impossible, especially if you’re not a fan of running in the rain. Don’t be disappointed! Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
Don’t skip your workout routine just because the weather isn’t in your favour. Here are some indoor exercises you can perform from the convenience of your home.
Here are 5 indoor exercises that work quite well to not only burn extra calories but also help in toning and shaping your muscles!

1. Stationary Sprinter

A Great Cardio exercise(very similar to high knee jogging) to up the heart rate and burn calories.All you need to do is just stand in one place and fast jog for 60 seconds at a stretch. Do 3 sets of 60 secs each!

2. Superman Pose

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A simple exercise that works fantastically on the core, lower back and Glute muscles Begin with lying in the prone position, with your arms stretched, raise your hands and legs 4-5 inches above the ground, hold for 10-15secs, then come back to the beginner position. Repeat the procedure for 3-5 reps.

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3. Mountain Climbers

A great core exercise concentrating majorly on the oblique muscles. Great way to tone the abs while burning calories. Start with lying in a plank position, then move your right leg front and back as though climbing a mountain, following the same procedure with your left leg. Try to do it as fast as you can for 60 secs. Follow it with 5 reps of 60 secs each.

4. Push-Ups

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Start with lying down in a prone position. Place your arms with your palms facing the floor shoulder-width apart. Bend elbows and Upper body to do a Push-up. Repeat the push-ups for 10-12 reps. Do at least 3 sets of 10-12 reps each.
This exercise works brilliantly to tone and strengthens the Chest (Pectoralis Major), Tricep and Shoulder muscles.

5. Squats

Begin with a standing position, torso upright. Keep your feet hip-width apart. Bend down as if you are sitting on a chair with your arms extended. Do the exercise for 15-20 reps. Repeat it for 3-5sets of 15-20 reps each.

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